
Yung-Ting Tsou

The Netherlands
10.30-10.35 Opening - Carolien Rieffe
10.35-10.50 Presentation 1 - Brenda Sousa da Silva
10.50-11.05 Presentation 2 - Yung-Ting Tsou
11.05-11.20 Presentation 3 - Claudia Libbi
11.20-11.30 Plenary discussion - Carolien Rieffe

10.50-11.05 Presentation 2 - Yung-Ting Tsou
Can we sense it? A multi-method, data-driven approach for understanding social dynamics of children with CI in primary schools

Co-authors: • Maedeh Nasri • Lisa-Maria van Klaveren • Mitra Baratchi • Alexander Koutamanis • Anat Zaidman-Zait • Johan Frijns • Carolien Rieffe

Most children with a CI are attending mainstream schools. The question is: are they socially included? Social inclusion in school, especially during the unstructured breaktime, is difficult to capture. In this presentation, we use a case study of a 9-year-old child with CI, by means of a multi-method, data-driven approach to explore the social dynamics with his classmates during breaktime on the school playground. Using wearable sensors, observation, peer nomination, self reports, and parent and teacher reports, we show similarities and gaps in information obtained by different measures and informants, and how innovative sensing technology can be applied to analyze changes in social participation over time and in different contexts.