
Rudolf Hagen

16:15-17:05 Remote CI programming in CI users for all ages - Rudolf Hagen

17:05-17:25 Person-centred care: remote solutions for some, but not for all - Helen Cullington

17:25-17:45 Remote testing: Do CI users need a sound booth at home? – Cas Smits

Bio Prof. Dr. Rudolf Hagen is currently working as a head, Director, Professor and Chief Physician at the University Hospital of Würzburg, Germany. He received his medical degree from the Julias Maximilian University of Würzburg. He specialized in Otolaryngology.

Background: Remote programming for adult cochlear implant (CI) users is feasible, safe, and effective. Limited evidence, however, exists on if remote CI programming can also be productively done with paediatric CI users.
Aims/objectives: To assess the safety and feasibility of remote CI programming in CI users for all ages.
Materials and methods: Forty-six (25 children, 21 adults) experienced CI users were fit locally and remotely. The results of these two fitting sessions were compared in terms of safety, Impedance Field Telemetry (IFT), Maximum Comfortable Levels (MCL), Threshold Levels (THR), audiometry, fitting duration, and speech understanding.
Results: The subjects' safety was not compromised during any of the fitting procedures. No significant difference was found for IFT, MCL, THR, audiometry, or speech understanding for either remote or local fitting. Remote fittings took slightly longer than local fittings when only the fitting time itself was measured.
Conclusions and significance: Remote follow-up fitting is as safe, feasible, and effective as local fitting for CI users of all ages. A more extensive adoption of remote fitting may allow many CI users greater access to clinics and therefore increased benefit from CI use.