
Froukje Cals

The Netherlands
Bio Froukje L.J. Cals, MD, PhD is of the otologists in the Radboud University Medical Center Nijmegen (RUMC) since February 2021. After finishing her medical study in 2009, she started a PhD project in head and neck oncology in the Erasmus Medical Center (EMC) in Rotterdam. The aim was to obtain more radical tumor resections using the optical technique, called Raman spectroscopy. After finishing this PhD she completed ENT residency, also in the EMC. During this period, the love for head and neck oncology has been surpassed by otology. She finished as an ENT-surgeon in 2020. She has special interests in middle ear surgery, otogenetics, implantology and advanced otology. In the Radboud University Medical Center she is program leader of the care program Ear & Hearing in which care paths are developed and sophisticated. Optimal care paths help to provide care in the right place and contribute in this way to more sustainable healthcare. She is challenged to accessible motivate others to become more green. Therefore she joints the ENT-green team of the RUMC. Besides her work as otologist, she joins a nation-wide project from the Dutch ENT Society (NVKNO) to facilitate and stimulate collaborations in otology.

Summary In this talk, Froukje Cals will discuss what you can do to become more sustainable as otologist, in order to ensure that our implanted children can enjoy their cochlear implant as long as possible in a beautiful world.