17:05-17:25 Person-centred care: remote solutions for some, but not for all - Helen Cullington
17:25-17:45 Remote testing: Do CI users need a sound booth at home? – Cas Smits
Bio Prof.dr.ir. Cas Smits is a medical physicist-audiologist at the department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery of Amsterdam UMC. In his clinical work he is involved in care for adults and children with hearing aids or cochlear implants. His research focusses on understanding and measuring speech recognition in noise abilities. Cas Smits developed the digits-in-noise hearing screening test in the early 2000s. He is an expert on digits-in-noise tests and worked on many related projects including the development of similar tests in other languages, improving the efficiency of these test and the introduction of these speech-in-noise tests in clinical practice for children, CI users and via eHealth technology. Cas Smits serves as associated editor for the International Journal of Audiology and is part of the steering group who guided the WHO in the development of hearWHO, a digits-in-noise test App which was launched worldwide.