
Carolien Rieffe

The Netherlands
10.30-10.35 Opening - Carolien Rieffe
10.35-10.50 Presentation 1 - Brenda Sousa da Silva
10.50-11.05 Presentation 2 - Yung-Ting Tsou
11.05-11.20 Presentation 3 - Claudia Libbi
11.20-11.30 Plenary discussion - Carolien Rieffe

10.30-10.35 Opening - Carolien Rieffe School is a major setting for children to grow up. Especially during their unstructured breaktime at school, children socialize with peers and make friends. These peer interactions are essential for developing social skills and a sense of belonging, which further contribute to a healthy development. To ensure that children with cochlear implants (CI) can reach their full potential, the school environment should be socially accessible and inclusive. In this panel session, we present studies about young CI users’ social participation experiences in different education stages - preschool, primary school, and secondary school. We also show a unique multi-method approach to capture these experiences, and identify factors in CI children’s daily school environments that promote better social inclusion, taking into account individual needs and capacities.

11.20-11.30 Plenary discussion - Carolien Rieffe During the plenary discussion, the methods and findings presented are discussed. Focus is put on how to create socially inclusive environments for children with CI to grow up healthy, and the importance of including the lived experiences of children with CI.